The Scary Truth About Dermal Fillers
Posted on: February 13, 2020

The Scary Truth About Dermal Fillers
Dermal fillers are becoming the most popular treatment for non-surgical facial aesthetics. With that higher demand for treatment, there are now more people than ever offering these treatments.
Did you know that dermal fillers are not regulated by the government?
Yes, that means ANYONE can perform these procedures. This paves the way for a high number of unqualified people to carry out these treatments, without any basic medical training, or knowledge of the Facial Anatomy. A recent report by SaveFace shockingly exposed the fact that 80% of dermal filler treatments being carried out, is by someone who is not medically qualified.
Furthermore, a staggering 86% of complaints received last year were regarding treatments carried out by lay people (such as beauticians and hairdressers) who were unable to identify the signs of complications and manage them, leaving the patient having to seek urgent medical care elsewhere.
Many people including industry professionals are now calling on the government to regulate the practice of dermal fillers. The campaign ‘Had Our Fill’, launched by The Sun, and supported by SaveFace, is working towards regulation within the dermal filler industry, with their main priority being a legally-recognised Government-backed central register for approved practitioners. This is in the hopes that anyone who is not medically qualified will receive a much-needed ban from delivering these treatments.
You wouldn’t allow a surgeon to perform surgery on you without knowing the basics such as where your organs are. So why allow a beautician to inject a product into your face without knowing where your arteries are?
The risks associated with wrongful injection of dermal filler include infections, necrosis (the death of the skin cells) and even blindness. The main concern about lay people carrying out these treatments, is that they wouldn’t even be able to recognise the signs of complications, let alone be able to fix them. At the DrBK Clinic, we receive lots of referrals from people who have had treatment with a lay person, and shortly after needed urgent medical attention, as the injector failed to identify the signs of the complication.
Jane was referred to DrBK after her lip started to turn black a week after her lip filler treatment elsewhere. She had developed Necrosis and was at risk of permanent disfigurement. Where Jane had gone a whole week without medical attention, her road to recovery was a lot longer than most complications (that are dealt with straight away), taking at least 4 weeks, with extra steps taken to ensure her lip was restored back to normal.
Claire was referred to DrBK immediately when her injector unknowingly hit a main artery in her lip, causing immediate swelling and bruising as soon as she injected. Claire was at risk of developing Necrosis. Luckily, she got to the DrBK Clinic in time, and Dr Khanna was able to reverse the effects of her treatment on the same day, leaving her lip restored back to normal in just a matter of days.
This photo is an example of dermal filler gone wrong in the nose. This is one of the most common complications with dermal filler, purely due to the high-risk area. Wrongful injection in the nose can lead to necrosis (as depicted above) and in some cases, this can lead to blindness.
Our top tips on choosing the right practitioner
- If the prices are low, ask yourself why. Good practitioners don’t need to lower their value if they are confident that they are providing a quality service.
- Don’t be afraid to ask for their qualifications. Please remember, dermal fillers are not a beauty treatment – you are trusting someone to inject your face, so make sure you choose a clinician with an expert knowledge of the Facial Anatomy.
- Did they ask your age? If they didn’t ask if you were over 18, it’s likely that it’s because they don’t care. A good clinician will only treat someone who they are certain is 100% suitable for the treatment.
- Find a practitioner that is registered with SaveFace.
- Know what should or shouldn’t be done during your treatment. Ensure that you have researched about the possible complications, side effects, and how they would be managed.
Why choose DrBK for your dermal filler treatments?
- Dr Khanna has over 25 years experience in delivering safe and predictable results.
- Dr Khanna is the leading Facial Aesthetics Trainer in the UK, running the world-renowned Dr Bob Khanna Training Institute for registered medical professionals. Our training courses focus heavily on safe and predictable techniques, helping the next generation of clinicians deliver amazing and safe results.
- The DrBK Clinic was one of the first in the UK to be registered with SaveFace, the government-backed register for non-surgical cosmetic practitioners that you can trust.
- Dr Khanna is an expert in Facial Aesthetics Complication Management. When a facial aesthetic complication occurs, Dr Khanna is one of the main clinicians that patients are referred to, to help manage the complication.
- The Doctor’s Choice for Facial Aesthetics – Over 35% of our patients are doctor’s themselves.